April time

It has been a funny old month. I should have had loads to blog about and actually yes it has been a busy month but each time I have thought about blogging I either haven’t had the time or I just couldn’t decide what to write. Have I missed it yes I have but maybe not enough. Or perhaps I was just feeling weary in general.

There have been birthdays, his, mine and hers. There has been illness, mine and his. There has been family, mostly mine. There has even been the eventual appearance of spring. Bird feeding to organise and watch. Seeds to be planted and nurtured.

There have been long distance conversations isn’t technology a wonderful thing. There have been celebrations and confrontations (quickly followed by making up).

Yesterday we visited our beach retreat and walked along the beach in bright sunshine although the wind was quite strong. We both felt uplifted, as we always do when we go down there. There is something about being near water that soothes the soul. My face is now flushed from the sun and wind.

Today we went for another walk. This time our local country park just a few minutes from our home. It was about time we had a proper explore of this place so close to us.

Now I am going to take you on our walk.Tree dragon 28 april 2013first stop was at this tree carving which can be seen from the road. I drive past this work in progress every day. It has been interesting to watch it evolve over the months.chainsaw carvingsWe had a chat with the chainsaw artist.tree giantBefore we set off for our walk proper. very late daffsThese very late daffodils looked remarkably fresh for late april.great oakThis magnificent tree would be great as the focus of one of my childrens stories.lakesideI took this view while Owl stopped to chat to some of the fishermen/boys at great length.how manyI love seeing the wild life, I wasn’t quick enough to get a photo of the tiny bluetit. There was pair of swans nesting on an island in the lake.wild primroseHeading away from the lakelooking backmore wood carvingscarvingson our way out of the park IMG_0392drat I forgot to take a picture of the incredibly bright red rhododendrons that we saw.

Now we are going for an early Sunday evening drink at our favourite pub. I shall be back in an hour or so.

One comment on “April time

  1. Mig says:

    Oh that was a brilliant walk – thank you for showing us.

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