My Tree


It isn’t really my tree, it isn’t even in our garden, it is next door but it fills my view when I gaze out of the window. I don’t actually know what species it is. From my seat I catch a glimpse of movement from the corner of my eye. It could be the breeze moving the leaves. It could be the squirrels chasing each other around. Often it would be the pigeons. Sometimes I see the robins (there are two) blue tits, great tits or black birds.

The more I concentrate on the tree the more movement I see. I love watching the birds progress around the tree. Today I have also seen some magpies in there and for ages there was a small brown bird bouncing around all over the place. I had my binoculars to hand and managed eventually to see that it was in fact a sparrow. Very odd as in the two months I have been here there have been no sparrows in the garden. It took meĀ  few weeks to realise that there had been none around.

Do you have a favourite tree that you look at often?