It’s a brand new year

Today has been New Years Day, tomorrow I go back to work after 12 days off. I can’t believe it has been 12 days, it only feels like it has been a long weekend. Maybe my long day in hospital followed by Christmas and now New Year have made it feel less time. I didn’t leave the house from the time I got home on Christmas Eve until Monday when I went food shopping.  Then on Monday evening the four of us (Owl, Pug, skater & I) went to the pub for the Christmas/End of Year Quiz (we came last but had a good evening).

I had intended to do a lot of writing over the holiday period. Apart from a few posts on here I have not done any writing. However I have been reading. I am on my third book by Maddie Cochere over at Breezy Books  .

But now we are starting a New Year, I am not one for making New Year resolutions. However whilst I have been blog lurking I came across an idea whereby each day for however long you like you fill a jar with the good things that happen in your life. Then at the end of the period you take out all the slips of paper and remind yourself of all the things (big or small) that have made you happy during this time.

I will be starting my jar today with the news that my friend who I have known for nearly 20 years has said yes to the marriage proposal she received today. I am so happy for her. I have never met this man but I do know that in the last three years he has been good for her.

As for my writing I am at a stand still at the moment which I will explain another time but this does not mean that I have given up. Watch this space for news of which direction I choose to take. I have a number of options I am just undecided which to follow.

I hope that 2014 turns out to be a better year for everyone.

Last night my husband said to me …..’I shall be 60 this year, how do you think that makes me feel?’

My reply ……’Lucky, you made it this far My dad only just made it to 55′.

I really believe that no matter what cross you have to bear there is always a silver lining to every cloud you just have to look for it.


Happy New Year to everyone.

Looking back

Trudging the two minute walk from home to the local corner shop (it may have taken me nearer to 5 minutes) on this first day of January my mind started wandering.

So this is the start of 2013 but what has happened in my life in 2012. I won’t say it was either a good or bad year overall, it was more like a roller coaster. There were some very good bits and a few not so good.

January 2012

New Year was spent with Owl ( our relationship was still in it’s early days). Then in early January his elderly mother was taken into hospital where she later died. I supported Owl and his family through this difficult time. The amount of time we spent together because of this brought us closer together.

February 2012

Things at work were very hectic, our Company took on the order book and products of our sister Company which went into Administration. With most of the management at the other end of the country and my departmental Manager on compassionate leave those of us left in the office were working long hours trying to tread water.

March 2012

Management returned but work was still everything was hectic. But with more staff it was becoming more manageable.

April 2012

Both Owl and I celebrated our birthdays (3 days apart). Because it was one of those monumental birthdays for me ……yeah thats right 21 ….as if! my mother, my four sons (plus 2 girlfriends) together with Owl’s sister and brother in law gathered for a family lunch at the local pub. It was so nice to have everyone together even if it did take until November to extract the photos from Prodigal.

The following day Owl proposed and I accepted. We began the search for a family home to share with my younger boys but big enough for his children to visit also.

I lost my aged grandmother (93) on the way home from the funeral I had a call from Prodigal’s better half (Bella) saying that he was very ill in hospital in Brighton. We visited him the next day after he had an emergency operation to remove his appendix.

May 2012

Owl moved in with me and my boys temporarily between selling his mother’s house a moving into our new home. (what should have been 3 weeks became nearer 2 months). During this time Owl collapsed at his mother’s house where we had gone to clear out the last of her belongings. He was taken to A & E when his very high temperature resulted in a fit.  Something that was over in a matter of seconds has had an adverse effect since then as he was made to surrender his licence. I don’t mind being the only driver in the family but it does make life more complicated. Hopefully he will get his licence back in the next few weeks.

June 2012

Not much happened in June except for countless trips to the local household amenity tip.

July 2012

WE MOVED INTO OUR BEAUTIFUL HOUSE. 6 months down the line and we still have boxes to be unpacked/store (as big as this house is it still isn’t easy condensing the contents of 3 homes into 1)

August 2012

We were enjoying putting our stamp on our new home, we had several family bbq’s sitting on the decking enjoying the evening sunshine. Then our thoughts turned to booking a holiday.

September 2012

Skater began his new life of college which he seems to be doing well at.

We undertook the long day trip to Norwich and back to take Pug to University and the start of his new life. We did manage to squeeze in a lovely lunch with family friends.

October 2012

Owl and I took our first holiday together, a week in Turkey (my first ever holiday in a hot country). It was a lovely hotel or at least it was once we finally got the right room (it only took three attempts to get us the room we had paid for).

Oh and on our return we made the decision to invest in a small holiday home not far from our actual home.

November 2012

I can’t think of anything particularly memorable about November except that the weather was not as cold as it usually is. Plans for Christmas were being put into place.

December 2012

We had all my family with us for Christmas and spoke to Owl’s children on skype. We also had a lovely lunch with Owl’s sis & brother in law. Then the rest of the month went down hill along with our health. We have not left the house since except for a quick stock up on supplies on Saturday and my morning trek for more tissues, energy drinks and paper today.

Living with Owl for the past 7 months has not been plain sailing, we do have the odd problems here and there and there have been 2 minor crisis but our relationship is strong enough to see us through these, helped by a lot of talking things through. In my minds eye I can only see things getting better, we love each other and neither of us have any doubts about this any more. We share a huge amount of laughs. Our sense of humour is very important to both of us. We have both found in each other a level of affection that we have not experienced before in previous relationships. We trust each other implicitly…….I know I know pass the bucket ….but we really are that happy together.

For this reason I now look forward to what 2013 has in store for us.